Pelajar diberi soalan soal selidik cara berfikir dan akhirnya para pelajar dikehendaki mengisi rajah dan mencari rajah yang berpadanan pada Profail Otak. Tujuan dengan memahami Profail Otak kita dapat meningkatkan kreativiti kita, pendidikan, kecekapan, komunikasi, hubungan, gaya pengurusan, produktiviti diri, potendi diri dan dapat memilih kerjaya yang sesuai dengan diri kita
  • Approximation of your preferences.
  • Not the test of right or wrong answers.
  • The scores are right if they are appropriate or “ngam” for you.
Arahan Tugas
1. Baca kenyataan di setiap bahagian dan tandakan kenyataan yang anda rasa tepat dan sesuai dengan perwatakan anda.
2. Jangan tandakan kenyataan yang menerangkan perkara yang anda perlu berusaha kuat untuk melakukannya . Tandakan kenyataan yang mudah bagi anda.
3. Apabila semua soalan sudah dijawab, kira Jumlah tanda SETUJU anda.
4. Lakarkan gambar rajah Carta Radar dan plotkan mata setiap bahagian yang anda perolehi ke dalam carta. Plotkan …
  • Bahagian A di sebelah kiri atas
  • Bahagian B di sebelah kiri bawah
  • Bahagian C di sebelah kanan bawah
  • Bahagian D di sebelah kanan atas
5. Sambungkan keempat-empat titik dalam carta radar. Gambar rajah berbentuk layang-layang itu adalah peta otak anda.


1. The Neocortex - our rational brain

• The seat of academic learning.

• The neo-cortex is divided into the right and left brain.

• To be receptive to learning, the learning environment must be absent of threats. Otherwise, we downshift to limbic, or if it's really bad, to reptile! Think about the reptiles when learners can't get the technology to work again!

2. The Brain Stem - our reptilian brain

• sustenance

• shelter

• safety

• sex


• flight/fight centre

• acts rather than thinks

• we downshift to reptile when under threat

• when downshifting occurs, learning cannot take place

3. The Mammalian Brain - our emotional brain

• The limbic system is the seat of emotion. Often our most memorable learning experiences are linked with emotion.

• Has visual memory, but language is limited to screams and expletives.

• "Soft skills" like empathy, understanding, assertion, humor are increasingly recognized as being important for learning.

• Emotional intelligence is gaining more press recently as a critical factor in learning.

A Four Quadrant Model of the Brain-The Principle

• What is Brain Profiling- Research by Ned Herrmann, book written in 1996 entitled The Whole Brain Business Book. It is a test which identifies preferences for specific brain processes, and can be used to determine suitable career choices :

• aid career planning and management

• determine possible training needs

• promote personal development

• determine requirements for a specific job (job description)

• aid job analysis

• identify the most suitable candidate for the job

• promote "whole brain" thinking in individuals / teams

• promote "whole brain" management skills

• promote business transformation

The Whole Brain Model

• A powerful level of self-understanding can be attained through the diagnostic power of brain dominance

• The Whole Brain Model identifies four quadrants of thinking styles directly related to the specialized thinking structures of the brain

• Brain Dominance is the key to applying new knowledge of the brain to BUSINESS

The A-quadrant Analyzer

Logical thinking, analysis of facts, processing numbers

The B-quadrant Analyzer

Planning approaches, organizing facts, detailed review

The C-quadrant Analyzer

Interpersonal, Intuitive (instinctive), expressive

The D-quadrant Analyzer

Imaginative, big picture thinking, conceptualizing